Life coach bachelor slider

Everything you need to develop yourself and others can be found in this course.

Learn the insights, techniques and tools people need today to build their lives in a fast, concrete and purposeful way.

Become a life coach and mind expert

Most coaching programs are outdated.

We notice two trends:

On the one hand, there are coaching courses with masses of practical hours, but they follow outdated coaching techniques which are 40 years old.

On the other hand, some courses are thrown up for grabs without any coaching techniques or valuable guidance.

What you need is a coaching course adapted to the needs of today and tomorrow.

In this first training phase, we train you to become an outstanding life coach according to the Inge Rock Coaching Method.

That need consists of:

  • Targeted and fast coaching. There's no time to lose.
  • You will learn immediately applicable techniques to help your client now. Your client needs a solution NOW.
  • You will learn concrete, simple, and extremely useful tools in a method that maps your client's thinking and environment, resulting in immediate decisiveness.
  • Coaches need a method that gives them the confidence to work with it immediately. The coach must know what he is doing and be sure it can help his client.
  • Coaches must be able to work towards a solution as quickly and adequately as possible.

With more than 15 years of expertise, Inge Rock has built this Coaching & Mind Expert training, ready for tomorrow's world.

This training consists of two phases: Bachelor and Master.

Master certificatie

Bachelor training to become Life Coach

In this first training phase, we train you to become an outstanding life coach according to the Inge Rock Coaching Method.

This training consists of

  1. The Mindset insights and tools that Inge herself uses every day. You learn how the mind works as a basis for the Inge Rock Coaching Method, and you will learn how to use numerous coaching tools to speed up the coaching process.
  2. We will teach you the vital coaching principles, forming the ethical code in your work with others.
  3. You will learn the self-coaching method so that you can also coach yourself. To help others, you need to be strong first.
  4. You will be learning the Inge Rock Coaching Method by:
    => The step-by-step video teachings where the method is explained to the smallest details.
    => The six Coaching Practice Days where you learn to apply this method yourself. Yes, we can train you in six days because my approach to coaching has been adapted to fit the new tempo of life today!
Life Coach Bachelor diagram EN

In addition, we offer all academy members:

  • Two series of 3 days online live Coaching Retreat for practice, practice, and learning new insights and skills.
  • Two Academy Live Days. The live seminar is where you meet your fellow students and learn, evolve, and connect.


We lead you step by step through the training. You will know exactly what you are getting into, what dates are important and we will show you exactly what and how, always under the guidance of Inge Rock and/or a mentor from the coaching team.

This training takes about 4 months. In 4 months you will have become a very good life coach.

You obtain the certificate as a result of constant evaluation during the training.